Sunday, February 14, 2010

Music Review
for Eloquence magazine, November 2009.

Dan Mangan - Nice, nice, very nice.

by Michelle Viljoen

He hooks you with his gravelly voice and reels you in with lyrics that tell a story we’re all familiar with. Dan Mangan’s latest album is entitled Nice, nice, very nice. And it’s not an overstatement.

Mangan released his latest album almost three years after making his debut on the music scene. The long wait has been worthwhile, as it has given this robot-loving Canadian musician time to mature as a songwriter and singer.

During those three years of traveling alone and promoting his music, Dan said in an earlier interview, he found inspiration for the songs on Nice, nice, very nice. The time spent away from his family and friends gave him the opportunity to reflect on the things musicians would often wonder about, like whether all the effort is really worth it.

Of all the praise bestowed on Mangan’s latest work, critics concur that his songwriting skill comes from his keen talent as an observer of everyday life.

In Tina’s Glorious Comeback Mangan sings about change – specifically change he noticed in his hometown of Vancouver, but also about how any change has its good and bad sides.

There’s a tongue-in-cheek song about robots (Robots) and Some People is an upbeat, foot-tapping song, until you start listening to the lyrics. – “Paint your pickets white and beat your wife, just don’t forget to shut the blinds. If you can keep your neighbours in the dark, then surely God can close her eyes.”

His songs grind into your thoughts with their realism, yet they are are easy to listen to. The music is catchy and gives you an insight to not only the songwriter’s life, but maybe also your own.

Quick Facts

Nice, nice, very nice is Dan’s second album and it was released 3 years after his debut album, Postcards and daydreaming, appeared.

Roboteering EP, a short-length teaser to Nice, nice, very nice was released in March 2009.

Nice, nice, very nice, was titled in reference to a Kurt Vonnegut poem.

Dan was named Artist of the Year at the XM Verge Music Awards in Canada only a few months after the release of his latest album.

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